Training & Consulting
Teaching is at the core of who we are and how we approach our work.
Our founders got their start in academia. Quinn Interactive grew out of a teaching collaboration between Phil Quinn and Dr. Fred Condo at CSU, Chico, where they taught web design and development together.
Since then they’ve gone on to develop both graduate and undergraduate classes at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, including the creation of an on-line course.
Although no longer in academia, Phil and Fred continue to teach in the private sector.
Strategic Planning & Consulting
Sometimes you need a little help figuring out how to get from here to there. We can provide strategic planning and consulting on a wide range of topics, drawing from our 25 years of experience designing, developing, and deploying successful websites.

E-Commerce Optimization
Getting the most out of your e-commerce efforts can sometimes seem like one of the black arts. We can help you break it down to logical steps and achievable goals.
Learn more about our approach in our Ecommerce 101 article on

Internationalization & Localization
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) can be much more complicated than simply translating your content into other languages. We can help you come up with an i18n/l10n strategy to address Unicode issues; bidirectional text support; data-presentation formats for dates, times, numbers, and currencies; translatable template text; font sizing concerns; sorting in non-alphabetic languages; translation workflow; and more.

Site & Data Security
All sites get attacked, not just high-profile ones. Most sites get attacked 100s to 1000s of times a day. Some, much more. The first line of defense is to stay up-to-date. We can help you keep your website’s server up-to-date with the latest security patches, something most hosting does not do by default. And if you’re using a commonly compromised web development platform like Drupal or Wordpress, we can help you migrate to a more secure platform, or if that is not an option, harden your existing system and keep it up-to-date with the latest security updates.